Meeting Minutes

July Minutes

MINUTES – July 2010
Present; John and Monica McKinlay, Rod, , George, John Roberts, Joan, Norma and Helen.
Apologies: Tom Cashman, Katie Ferguson, John Maule

  1. It was agreed that the date of the next BBQ would be Sunday, 15th August and would be on the same basis as before.
  2. John has agreed to be in touch with Ian Woolard on all outstanding issues including the lock for the shed. He will also find out if he can supply us with any more compost bins.
  3. There was a discussion on the toxic manure and information is available from the noticeboard, the clubhouse, FEDAGA website and our own website for those affected.
  4. We are arranging a pick up of any remaining unused bags, please let us know how many bags you have to be returned.
  5. A reminder that there are two Site competitions this year. A children’s tallest Sun Flower, seeds from Monica and anyone’s best picture taken within the precincts of our site. Fruit, flower, weed, sun rise/set or anything that makes an interesting picture. This should provide some nice pictures for our web site.
  6. …and finally, a reminder that I am trying to put together an entry for the September flower show on behalf of the whole site. The theme would be Costa Craigentinny so I would be looking for exotic looking vegetables. Anyone interested give me a shout.

Next meeting will be at the BBQ!!!

Meeting Minutes

Minutes- April 2010

MINUTES -April 2010
Present; John and Monica McKinlay, Tom Cashman, Katie Ferguson, Ernie and Joan, Rod, Joan, John Maule, George, John Roberts.

  1. Ian Woolard has been informed that locks on the Clubhouse and Toilets need to be changed.
  2. Despite urgings the leaking toilet roof and consequential jamming toilet door has still not been attended to.
  3. Plots 40/41 which had been flooded are drying out – there is still a suspicion that the drainage work carried out by Edinburgh Leisure is directing water to these plots. Ian Woolard is talking once again about digging a ditch outside the boundary fence. Individual plot holders should follow this up.
  4. The new bin arrangement is in place. I have suggested that a skip twice a year might be appropriate but his has not been met favourably by Ian Woolard and he has arranged an emergency uplift of the bucket and uplifts should now be regularly carried out on a Wednesday. To facilitate this I have agreed to put the bin out on a Tuesday night for the next few weeks.
  5. All vacant plots have now been tenanted.
  6. Free slabs still available at Portobello –  see web site.
  7. A site map is now on the Notice Board please add your name if you wish. Thank you.
  8. Following the success of our B-B-Q last year we are holding another one on Saturday 15 May, same style as last year, an hour light community work then bring your own food and drink. We have now argreed to go ahead with this and the details will be worked out at the next meeting.

Next Meeting, Saturday 1st May at 11 am.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes, March, 2010

MINUTES – March 2010
Present; John and Monica McKinlay, Tom Cashman, Katie Ferguson, Ernie, Rod, John Maule, George, John Roberts, Joan and Michael.
1. It was noted that the key exchange had been completed but not without a few hitches, in particular, ‘ the prisoner of Plot 49’. Ian Woolard did not change the locks on the Clubhouse or the Toilets and I will chase him to do that.
2. Despite urgings the leaking toilet roof and consequential jamming toilet door has not been attended to.
3. Plots 40/41 which had been flooded are drying out – there is still a suspicion that the drainage work carried out by Edinburgh Leisure is directing water to these plots. Ian Woolard is talking once again about digging a ditch outside the boundary fence.
4. Our new bucket is in place. (Sadly, it has not been emptied since its arrival, either of weeks 8 or15 March) I have complained about this to Ian and stressed that with the reduced capacity we will not have the situation that developed last year were the buckets went unemptied on a regular basis. We are charged 600 pounds pa for this ‘service’ so we need to get it.
5. Our site now has a waiting list of over 200 plotholders eager to get allotmenting. There are new tenants in Plot 1 (tenancy given up) Plot 7a (move to full plot) Plot 14 (tenancy given up) and plot 48 (tenancy terminated – plot abandoned).
6. John Maule advised that there are free slabs available at Portobello- see Notice Board and web site– subsequently we are hoping to get a free delivery. Thanks to Rod/George. If we can manage this just help yourselves.
7. Norma arranged a Spring manure order. DELIVERY SATURDAY 27MARCH ABOUT 11 AM.
8. John Maule had noticed that other sites had a site map on their Notice Board with plotholders’ names and it was thought that this would be a nice sociable thing to do. Joan has an enlarged site plan and individuals can add their names if they wish. Thank you Joan.
9. There had been another case of a plotholder getting abuse when they had a fire. To recap we are able to have fires any Sunday when the wind is not blowing to the houses. The plotholder had adhered to these rules but still got abuse. We would be glad to know of any similar incidents. Ian Woolard will send the resident a letter reminding him of our arrangement.
10. Following the success of our B-B-Q last year we are holding another one on Saturday 15 May, same style as last year, an hour light community work then bring your own food and drink. John Roberts, your fruit Gin and Vodka was most appreciated! We can also chat about another B-B-Q in August.
11. The allotment Shop at Inverleith is open for the next few Sundays 2-3:30 – End of April.
12. We have decided to run 2 Site competitions this year. A children’s tallest Sun Flower, seeds from Monica and anyone’s best picture taken within the precincts of our site. Fruit, flower, weed, sun rise/set or my face after I have had too much of John’s fruit gin! This should provide some nice pictures for our web site. If you haven’t had a look, it is John Maule’s true confessions of a serial vegetable grower is well worth a read.
……… and finally I am trying to put together an entry for the September flower show on behalf of the whole site. The theme would be Costa Craigentinny so I would be looking for exotic looking vegetables. There is a trophy to be won which I undertake to fill with an appropriate spirit. Anyone interested give me a shout.
Next meeting Saturday 3 April at 11 am.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes, November, 2009

Present: John and Monica McKinlay , Rod, George, Norma Carlyon, John Maule and Ernie Curtis.
Apologies: Katie Ferguson, Tom Cashman and Joan Anderson.
1. Thanks:
As usual there were many people to thank. All those who helped with the work on the community day, the plot and pond are looking good. Joan and Ernie for their work on the pond, Katie and Tom for supplying the pebbles for the pond, Helen and Richard for setting up the web site and George Brown for continuing to strim the plot.
2 Break-in:
Another one, if you have been affected you can report it by e-mail or phone – see notice. The fence does not seem to have been breached this time and the replacement section of fence has been put in place.
3 Recycling Bay:
Please only place in the bay items of reasonably usable quality, it is getting full of bits and pieces that are well passed their sell by date.
4 Draft Constitution:
The main discussion of the meeting centered on this. John pointed out that the idea of having a Constitution was so that we could get grants, but he was conscious of the fact that the majority of plotholders had no interest in having a Constitution. Having said that, there was a significant minority who seemed to be interested. To test this interest John asked those present to indicate if they continued to support the setting up of a Constitution and the support was unanimous. That said, what we have at the moment is still only a proposed draft. This will remain the case in the meantime. Copies of the draft are still available by e-mailing or by request to John or Monica 661 4373 and there is still a copy in the Clubhouse. Comments and suggestions are very welcome.
I was asked by plotholders at the meeting to confirm that nothing in the draft constitution changes a plotholder’s conditions of tenancy. This is the case and all tenancy issues will remain a matter between the plotholder and the Council, in the person of the Allotment Officer. In particular the application of the termination of tenancy procedures. Personally I am very glad that this is the case, as with 140 plus people waiting for plots on our site, it is perhaps inevitable that Ian may have to apply the conditions and procedures less sympathetically in the future as he has in the past.
The draft proposals would be open for discussion into next year. In the early spring interested plotholders would call for a Special General Meeting to adopt the draft Constitution and appoint our first committee. At least 3 weeks notice of this meeting would be given.
Our next meeting will be the first Saturday in February 2010.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes, July,2009

PRESENT: John and Monica Mckinlay, Tom Cashman, John Roberts, Johnny Gailey, Rod, Joan and Muhad, Helen Gestwich, Richard Cross, Joan Anderson
APOLOGIES: Katie Ferguson, John Maule and Norma Carlyon
1. Holding our meeting in the cold reminded us that we had requested funds for a clubhouse. John will contact Ian Woolard re progress of ‘wish list’.
2. Helen suggested that we hold a Seed/Plant/Produce Swop and it was agreed that this could coincide with our monthly meetings. John will include this in his Newsletter which he will send out to all plotholders after the next meeting.
3. Joan asked where she might get timber for raised beds and Johnny knew of a scaffolding yard at Albion road which might sell old boards for a couple of pounds and Robert will investigate this.
4. Joan asked about the current situation re wet plots and possible drainage and will be in touch with Ian Woolard direct.
5. John Robertson is looking for a water butt and would be interested in any spare available on site.
6. Manure has now been ordered twice but there is still a demand. We will order one last delivery of 100 bags. Most are spoken for but anyone who wants some please add their name to the list.
7. In order to encourage improvements within the allotments prizes will be given this year for the most improved plot and children’s garden.
8. Johnny Gailey reported on the grants available and the need for a properly constituted committee. John will be in touch with Mr Sandells of Midmar to obtain the relevant format.
9. Waste Action Grant Programme has a possible 2500 pounds grant which would give us water butts for 40 plots. To demonstrate our work towards waste reduction a variety of actions have been suggested; BBQ open day; compost awareness.
10. B&Q give grants for up to 250 pounds which could be useful if we are to pay for our community hut from our own funds.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 7 MARCH, 2009 at 11.00

Meeting Minutes

Minutes, June, 2009

Present: John and Monica McKinlay, Tom Cashman, John Roberts, George, Joan Anderson, Ernie Curtis, Rod, John Maule, Norma and June Carlyon .
1. Thanks to Ernie for fitting new locks and hardware to the clubhouse, to John Maule for fitting the unscrewable screws and to Katie for painting the clubhouse.
2. Rats – In the past two weeks we have had two visits from the pest control officer. There have been no further sightings and although one set of bait is gone the others remain untouched. Plot holders are requested to be vigilant and continue the good work of keeping the site clear of anything that might attract them.
3. Fires- Since Ian spoke to the intruder there have been no further reported confrontations with him. Plot holders should let John know if there are any problems.
4. City of Edinburgh is carrying out an Open Space Audit. Poster displayed in clubhouse and questionnaire forms available if anyone wants to take part.
5. Discussion about Mare’s Tail and how we might tackle this problem. Tom Cashman has investigated various remedies and will look into it further. Anyone with suggestions on this please speak to Tom. Meantime John will ask Ian Woolard if he can give us any help or advice.
6. AOB and general discussion was followed by a plant swop and tea/coffee. Thanks again to Norma for the home baking!

Meeting Minutes

Minutes, May, 2009

Present: John and Monica McKinlay, Tom Cashman, Katie Ferguson, John Roberts, George, John Maule and Norma Carlyon .
1. John opened the meeting by thanking Katie for the fruit trees, chippings, benches etc.; Tom for bagging and delivering everything to plot; Johnny for straw bales; Rod for organizing delivery of the old windows; Helen for her Recycle bay posters; Richard for collecting the planks and Chris for donating two bags of bark for clubhouse plot.
2. The Recycling Bay is now up and running so help yourself to items and add in anything useful that you no longer need. Helen will monitor this area.
3. Posters have been completed for the Competitions- see notice boards-encourage the kids.
4. Edinburgh in Bloom- for info- again leaflets on the notice board.
5. Rats – see notice board for details.
6. Ian’s Visit –plot inspection- 2 plots moving to half- he said that he thought that Craigentinny was the most improved site in Edinburgh- fires(item 7)- spray perma plot and keys(item 8)- insurance (item 9)- water pressure was examined and solutions considered.
7. Fires- Ian has spoken to the intruder and he now knows that fires are allowed and that he shouldn’t abuse the plotholders. We have suggested that we have fires only on a Sunday when there is a west wind. He is happy to accept this and the Committee has agreed in principle. John will be back in touch with Ian.
8. Perma culture situation- Ian has offered to spray the plot but this is not required- We have done a good bit of work so far but will need help if we are to move it on. Community day suggested- see notice re the work so far- improvements-what next?
9. Clubhouse Day- plant trees- paint shed- put down bark etc. 16 May
10. AOB

Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting: 4th April 2009

Present: John and Monica McKinlay, Tom Cashman, Katie Ferguson, John Robertson, Johnny Gailey, Helen Gestwicki, Richard Cross, John Maule and Norma Carylon , Joan Pisanek, Joanna Darnley– thanks to everyone who came along.


  1. Monica welcomed everyone to the meeting and to our new clubhouse. Thanks to those who donated furniture and daffodils! Katie will supply benches so that there will be a seat for everyone.
  2. There will shortly be notices of our two competitions.
  3. There was a brief discussion re ongoing grants and the Constitution. John and Monica have revised the Midmar Constitution in line with a Council owned site. This will be passed to Johnny Gailey who will forward it on to the lawyer at EVOC who will provide a final Draft for our approval. Norma asked if this draft would be circulated and Monica confirmed that it would, and later voted on, probably at a Special General Meeting. Tom reminded us that there may be insurance requirements if we were constituted. This will be considered with the final draft. Ian Woolard will also be consulted.
  4. Clubhouse Plot; In response to our appeal for ideas five suggestions had come forward; a play area for children; a path to the clubhouse with cleared area in front: a community orchard; a pond or wet area for frogs etc. and coppicing of twisted willow etc. There is room on the plot for all of this and Monica suggested that those with a particular interest could take that forward (like mini projects) allowing each to get started. Otherwise we could take the suggestions forward one at a time thus concerting our efforts.
  5. Thanks to Katie for her donation of fruit trees for the orchard and a group of us will be there to help her plant them out at the end of the month.
  6. Helen suggested a recycle corner on the plot which will allow everyone to donate useful items they no longer need. She will monitor this.
  7. Thanks to John Maule there is now a key for the water supply in the Clubhouse.
  8. The Seed Swop followed the meeting and there was a tremendous amount of donations – too many to thank everyone personally but if this is an indication of things to come Craigentinny Allotments will be Keeping Edinburgh Growing all by themselves!
  9. People who didn’t manage to come along on the day are welcome to help themselves to any seeds they need in return for a future donation or a small donation on the next swop day. The donations for April amounted to £2.40 which Katie will add to our petty cash.
Meeting Minutes

Minutes, March, 2009

PRESENT: John and Monica Mckinlay, Tom Cashman, Katie Ferguson, John Roberts, Johnny Gailey, Joan Anderson , Steve, Helen Gestwich, Richard Cross, Ernie Curtis and Joan Anderson, John Maule and Norma Carlyon – a great turnout, thanks to everyone who came along.
1. MANURE: A vote of thanks to Norma for her work in organizing the Manure deliveries. The next delivery will be Saturday 14th in the morning and Tom will be in attendance to oversee the operation.
2. Helen had suggested that we hold a Seed/Plant/Produce Swop and it was agreed that this could coincide with our monthly meetings. John asked if she would organize the first of these for 11.30 on the 4th of April. Helen agreed to do this and we will be able to hold it in our new clubhouse.
3. At the last meeting Joan asked where she might get timber for raised beds and Johnny knew of a scaffolding yard at Albion Road which might sell old boards for a couple of pounds. Robert investigated this. He sourced boards even cheaper from a scaffolding firm at Newhailes Industrial Estate and was going to try to pick some up and deliver them next Saturday morning.
4. We agreed to have two competitions this year one for the most improved plot and the other for a children’s garden.
5. Johnny Gailey reported on the Waste Action Grant Programme with a possible 2500 pounds grant which would give us water butts for 40 plots. Unfortunately, this was not approved but there is a possibility that we could get help to submit a request for monies available from Neighborhood Partnerships and Johnny will take this forward.
6. B&Q give grants for up to 250 pounds which could be useful if we are to pay for the upkeep of our community hut from our own funds, again Johnny will pursue. The amount of grant may now have increased!
7. We discussed our visit from the Police and the attempted break-in to cars in the car park. Plot holders should be aware.
8. New clubhouse will be erected on Tuesday. Monica will let them in.
9. We will move ahead with our formal constitution and EVOC will help with its composition.
10. Composting facilities were discussed. A shredder would be useful and we need to pay attention to the use of the bins. It was unanimously decided to put notices on the bins to ensure their proper use.
11. We will organize a community day in line with the Open Doors Scheme in the autumn.
12. There was a good exchange of information regarding seeds etc at good prices.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes, February, 2009

PRESENT: John and Monica Mckinlay, Tom Cashman, John Roberts, Johnny Gailey, Rod, Joan and Muhad, Helen Gestwich, Richard Cross, Joan Anderson
APOLOGIES: Katie Ferguson, John Maule and Norma Carlyon
1. Holding our meeting in the cold reminded us that we had requested funds for a clubhouse. John will contact Ian Woolard re progress of ‘wish list’.
2. Helen suggested that we hold a Seed/Plant/Produce Swop and it was agreed that this could coincide with our monthly meetings. John will include this in his Newsletter which he will send out to all plotholders after the next meeting.
3. Joan asked where she might get timber for raised beds and Johnny knew of a scaffolding yard at Albion road which might sell old boards for a couple of pounds and Robert will investigate this.
4. Joan asked about the current situation re wet plots and possible drainage and will be in touch with Ian Woolard direct.
5. John Robertson is looking for a water butt and would be interested in any spare available on site.
6. Manure has now been ordered twice but there is still a demand. We will order one last delivery of 100 bags. Most are spoken for but anyone who wants some please add their name to the list.
7. In order to encourage improvements within the allotments prizes will be given this year for the most improved plot and children’s garden.
8. Johnny Gailey reported on the grants available and the need for a properly constituted committee. John will be in touch with Mr Sandells of Midmar to obtain the relevant format.
9. Waste Action Grant Programme has a possible 2500 pounds grant which would give us water butts for 40 plots. To demonstrate our work towards waste reduction a variety of actions have been suggested; BBQ open day; compost awareness.
10. B&Q give grants for up to 250 pounds which could be useful if we are to pay for our community hut from our own funds.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 7 MARCH, 2009 at 11.00