Allotment Update

November – Craigentinny Plot-holders’ Meeting

Saturday 10 November 2012

Tom(Chair), John M., Rod, Alec, Joan P., Joan A. Ernie, George (Minutes)

1. Matters arising from the last minutes.
A) Communal Shed Roof. Repair has now been ordered.
B) Website update. Joan P looking for more material for the website. John M. has put up a notice to this effect.
C) Site Rep. Agreed that Joan A. would be the point of contact for Ian Woolard (i.e. he should email or write to Joan when he wishes to raise or respond to matters.). Also agreed that we would take turns to contact Ian W. on new or continuing issues that are raised at each meeting.
2. Main Driveway. Agreed that when the driveway is renewed we do not want soil and material from this put on the end plots. We would prefer that it is removed from the allotment site. Suggestion was made that it could be used to level off the car park.
3. Bin uplift. Last one for this year will be on 15 Nov.
4. OAB.
A) Trees and Tree Stumps. Concern was again raised at size of some the trees and the problem with large tree stumps that have been left on some allotments. We wish these trees to be cut down and the stumps removed. If they were chipped on site we could use the wood chippings for paths etc.
B) Funding increase. We noted that we had agreed to the FEDAGA suggestion to an increase in funding for individual plots. John M. will enquire if this has been progressed.
C) Water Supply. It was noted that the water was still on.
D) Seeds. Joan has left some spare seeds in the communal hut available to plot-holders.
E) Lining the walls of the Hut. Agreed not to proceed with this.
F) Repainting the Toilet. Agreed to do this when the weather allowed. Noted that although the toilet was still damp it was better than before.
5. Date of next meeting.
Saturday 9 March 2013 at 11.00
NOTE John M. will raise the following items with Ian W. 1C, 2, 4A,B,C

If you haven’t been sent a copy of these minutes & would like a regular copy in future, then please email me at